The Bruthen Rec Reserve is home to:
The Recreation Reserve Committee of Management can be contacted via email:
Recreation Reserve Committee of Management:
Adjoining Caravan Park Manager: 0437 787 248
Caravan Park Caretaker:
Overseen by the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP), the Bruthen Recreation Reserve Committee of Management (BRRCoM) is appointed for a three year term to manage the Bruthen Recreation Reserve and Bruthen Caravan Park.
Up to nine people are elected from the local community. Key appointments include:
For the Bruthen Committee, representatives are also sought from tenant clubs including:
Additionally, two general community representatives are appointed.
The BRRCoM works closely with DELWP, East Gippsland Shire Council and in time of emergency, Victorian Government Agencies and Emergency Service providers, to ensure facilities meet the needs and requirement of the local community.
The Ground and Clubrooms are available for hire by the general public or by local and government groups.
Rates of hire are determined by the activity being conducted and what facilities will be used. Fees are not excessive, but reflect the need to recoup monies for cost items such as: electricity, water, toiletries etcetera.
All hire enquiries should be directed to:
Please note the Committee of Management does not hire facilities for 18th and 21st Birthday Parties.